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Cloudwork® FAQ

Can I restrict who can use Silent Inspection?
Can I get a report every time anyone uses Silent Inspection?
What is the Services Page?
How do I access Services Page as a school user?
Where do I go to customize the Services?
Is the theme of the Services Page customizable?
How do I access Service Page as an administrator?
Where is the Cloudwork Dashboard?
What attributes are required to sync a user into Cloudwork?
How do I process graduating students in the new academic year?
What is the minimum commitment for Cloudwork?
Why don't my users appear in Clickview or Complispace?
Why do my Clickview users have groups listed as UNKNOWN?
Does Cloudwork use Microsoft's FIM?
How is Cloudwork structured?
Why did the term "Studentnet" appear on some university sites in the past?

Can I restrict who can use Silent Inspection?
Yes. You can define an unlimited number of different roles in the Cloudwork dashboard. Privileges such as Silent Inspection can then be assigned/removed to/from defined roles. To establish and administer roles on our demo system visit here: (you will need to log in first). When assigning a role to a user you can limit the exercise of that role to Organisational Units within Cloudwork. So you could define a Year Coordinator role then assign it to a teacher but restrict the exercise of that role by that teacher to the year for which they are the coordinator. The Year 9 Coordinator will only have privileges for the Year 9 students for instance. The only role that has unrestricted permissions for all users is the Super Admin role. The Super Admin role is a special role. It is like the root user in a Unix system. It always has all permissions for everyone. You should be very careful with whom you assign this role to and it should be used sparingly - just like root.

Can I get a report every time anyone uses Silent Inspection?
Yes. You can use the existing report capability to filter for the event Silent Inspection to see who has used it and whom they have inspected. See here for a report that has been filtered to only show Silent Inspection on our demo system (you will need to log in first). As of Version 35 of Cloudwork, you will be able to receive alerts each time a saved reported event, including Silent Inspection, is triggered.

What is the Services Page?
The Services Page is a self-management facility for the school's users to easily:
      • Change Password
      • Change Recovery Settings
      • Self-manage multifactor authentication
      • View what single sign-on services Cloudwork authenticates
      • Navigate to the single sign-on services 

How do I access Services Page as a school user?
This is normally accessed with the URL in the form of: Some customizations can be made to the URL by contacting Studentnet Support.

Where do I go to customize the Services?
This is customizable in the Cloudwork dashboard > CloudworkID Settings > Look and Feel

Is the theme of the Services Page customizable?
Yes, the theme of the CloudworkID Services Page is customizable. Other features that can be changed for the Services Page:
      • Title
      • Logo
      • Favicon
      • Home Page Logo
      • Banner Background
      • Title Color
Further customization is available through CSS rules.

How do I access Service Page as an administrator?
Cloudwork dashboard > Settings > Useful Links > CloudworkID Service

Where is the Cloudwork Dashboard?
Your Cloudwork Dashboard's URL will typically be located at https://[school name or abbreviation], and will have been provided to you during the initial on-boarding process. If you can't find your dashboard or are unsure, contact support.

What attributes are required to sync a user into Cloudwork?
All Cloudwork users require the following attributes:
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Username
      • Email address

If your users are imported from Active Directory, these will typically map to the following AD attributes:
      • givenName
      • sn
      • SAMAccountName
      • mail
You can check which attributes are being used in the Cloudwork dashboard by looking at the Sync Profile responsible for importing that user. You can also look at the Provisioning Reports to find detailed lists of errors that were encountered during the latest sync events.

How do I process graduating students in the new academic year?
Depending on how you manage your student accounts, you may decide to update your graduating students to Alumni or to delete them. For an explanation of these options and instructions, click here.

What is the minimum commitment for Cloudwork?
Our minimum commitment period is one year.

Why don't my users appear in Clickview or Complispace?
Users do not exist inside Clickview or Complispace until they first log into those services. Once they do they are assigned to the appropriate groups based on that logon. Simply have the user log in and go to Clickview or Complispace and it should update their status accordingly.

Why do my Clickview users have groups listed as UNKNOWN?
Users listed as UNKNOWN are legacy users that existed before the Single Sign-On implementation. As with users that do not yet exist, once the user logs in for the first time it will update the account with the correct information.

Does Cloudwork use Microsoft's FIM?
No. Cloudwork makes no use of Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager(FIM) or TMG, or any of Microsoft's Forefront product range.

How is Cloudwork structured?
Cloudwork is made up of two components:

1. Cloudwork Identity NODE – CwIN: deployed as a VM (virtual machine) at the school. The CwIN is a Windows server that contains Cloudwork-specific code written in a mix of Python and Powershell. It also contains an instance of Microsoft ADFS. The CwIN is maintained and managed by Studentnet. It is the responsibility of the school to maintain a backup of the CwIN image for disaster recovery purposes. Studentnet keeps a backup of the CwIN configuration files for bare metal recovery purposes.

2. Cloudwork Identity MANAGER – CwIM: deployed as a single VM on dedicated server hardware at Studentnet's GlobalSwitch DC. The CwIM is a Linux Ubuntu LTS server that contains Cloudwork-specific code written in Python. The CwIN is maintained and managed by Studentnet. Version 1 of the CwIM was deployed in January 2008, and Version 2, totally re-written in Python, was deployed in January 2015, when all schools were upgraded. The CwIM is backed up by Studentnet. Further, a full disaster recovery copy of the CwIM image is maintained at Studentnet's offsite DR facility.

Why did the term "Studentnet" or "Cloudwork" appear on some other sites in the past?
Studentnet® fully protects and defends the use of all its trademarks:

At times, other businesses inappropriately use our trademarks without our permission. We take this matter up with them and required them to cease and desist those uses. However Internet archives such as the Wayback Machine may still retain copies of their earlier web sites. For full information, please visit the Company page. If you know of any breaches of our trademarks please follow the instructions on that page.