We're celebrating a major milestone at Cloudwork® — over 10 years of simple, reliable, secure, identity access and management services delivered every day to tens of thousands of staff, students, parents, and alumni around the country. Our 10-years-plus SSL security certificate that makes all this possible is now expiring, and since October we've been busy renewing it. We could not have achieved this milestone without the loyal, dedicated support of our client schools — all sizes, all denominations — across the country.
As IT managers in schools you're responsible for multiple communities - not just students, but staff, families, alumni and volunteers, all with their own identities, needs and issues. But as online threats have multiplied, the help from vendors has faded away. Communication systems once staffed by professionals have been replaced by automated scripts with zero insight into your real situation.
“In seeking support from Microsoft, we were sent so many guides with no real assistance. When we turned to Cloudwork, David was extremely helpful. The solution only needed a few minutes. But he understood the issue, let us know what the fix was and answered my questions promptly. I want to say a big thank you to your support team.” Redlands School, 2024
Please contact us to find out more about how we can support you. We tailor our products specifically for a wide range of school community requirements.
phone_android +61 2 9281 1626 mail_outline info@studentnet.id